Artists' Books

Most of The New School's artists' books are part of our Special Collections. 

To find artists' books in the library catalog that are not found below, go to the library catalog's advanced search screen. Select 'Subject' 'Contains' and type the exact words "artists' books" (in quotation marks). Under Material Type, select Book. From the list of results, under "Refine My Results," select "Library (New School)" and check the box New School Archives.

A small selection of artists’ books found in The New School’s University Center Library, identified by call number N 7433.4, are not Special Collections. These books are limited to New School and library consortium students, faculty and staff, or guests through the METRO referral program.

If you are a New School instructor and wish for your class to use artists' books, please contact with ample notice to discuss options. A sample instructional plan incorporating artists’ books can be accessed through this Google Doc.

You may also browse a selection of images below from a subset of artists’ books at The New School as a way to identify material of interest.

When enlarged, each image will have a title and call number that that you can use to search for the item's record in the library catalog